
As a family business, we take our reputation seriously. As such, we put personal pride into our build processes, our comprehensive service, and our after-sales care. With more than 400 builds, more than half of which are in the commercial sector, we are well-versed in supporting our client needs for the long term.
We are proud of the quality of our work. It is what has made this company a leader in the RIB market globally. Handbuilt, deep-V, highly capable commercial craft used by police, fire, fisheries, military and rescue organisations. We are trusted operators who stand over our work and ONLY partner with businesses equally focused on quality construction, customer care and attentive service.

Good seamanship and ensuring operational capability is achieved through a dedication to ongoing maintenance, use of quality OEM parts and regular servicing. It gives peace of mind and underpins our philosophy towards servicing. Always ensure the boat is ready.
Therefore we operate a very simple two-stage approach to service, breakdown, repairs or warranty claims. We aim to provide a ‘One-Call’ service. You contact our Service Team with your Hull Reference Number and the issue and we will have acknowledged the fault and have a plan to address the issue within 48 hours.

Secondly, our approach is that ‘We get to the boat, or the boat comes to us’ - depending upon the scale of the issue and the need to ensure health and safety for all staff and technicians involved. To that end, we have a dedicated mobile service team with an all-Ireland 24-hour response capability/ Great Britain 48-hour capability. This team has electrical, systems, engine, hull, and tube repair and replacement capability. We understand that our international customers need ‘at the dock’ support and we can facilitate international servicing and repair.